Service Fees


Journey Together Immigration is more interested in helping people to navigate their immigration journey.
We provide low-cost service through the dedication of our volunteers, administrative staffers and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Partial and Full Accredited Representatives.
The fees we charge are to augment our running costs and salaries.
We do NOT charge extra fee for dependent beneficiary children if the applications or petitions are filled concurrently with the main applicant.

Our fees are as stated below:

  • Initial Consultation: $0 to $100 depending on the client financial situation.

  • Asylum, T-Visa, U-Visa, VAWA and other humanitarian non-immigrant Visas Application: $500.

  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) application: Free.

  • Fees for other categories of visas such as employment nonimmigrant or immigrant visas, adjustment of status, naturalization, citizenship, and any other services will be determined based on individual cases and availability of personnel to offer the service.